Local naturopathic doctor speaking at conference in Barcelona

Hear talk at Port Dover library on June 12 or Simcoe library on June 13.  Topic covers preventing illness and treating lingering long COVID symptoms.

By Jacob Fehr

PORT Dover’s only naturopath, Dr. Stephen Maltais, N.D., will present at the 8th International Congress on Naturopathic Medicine (ICNM) in Barcelona, Spain, on Saturday, July 6. He will present a similar talk to the public at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, June 12, at Port Dover’s library and at 6 p.m. on Thursday, June 13, at Simcoe’s library.

The Maple Leaf spoke to Dr. Maltais last week to learn more about the conference, his presentations, and his preparation.

Dr Stephen Maltais
Dr. Stephen Maltais, N.D., to speak at conference in Barcelona.

Dr. Maltais has practiced as a licensed naturopathic doctor in Port Dover for 15 years. He helps patients in Port Dover, Simcoe, Tillsonburg, and beyond.

In 2023, he submitted a talk about the impacts of long COVID for the ICNM’s event in Paris. The ICNM awarded him its Certificate of Contribution for his work.

“Last summer I spoke about helping people restore their health post-COVID—how to make the body stronger so they can withstand viruses and stuff like that,” he explained.

“This year I thought, ‘Why don’t I try to submit a similar talk?’ and I was selected to speak at the event.”

Dr. Maltais is one of 30 people chosen to present at the conference. ICNM organizers expect hundreds of people to attend.

“What I’m speaking on is clinical solutions for the immune system, inflammation, and brain health,” he said. Drawing on research and experience, he will discuss using naturopathic methods to treat patients’ long COVID symptoms and other ailments.

“I’m basically writing a talk to my colleagues about products they can use to help patients I wouldn’t have thought of,” he elaborated. His presentation focuses on ameliorating “things that have happened since COVID that bug our health.”

As an example, he mentioned the case of a retired nurse patient with severe breathing difficulties who had checked herself out of a hospital because she was getting worse. He said the patient was in such poor health that he recommended they go back to a hospital or seek ventilatory assistance. The patient refused and requested alternative treatment, so he suggested they take Ferrum Phos, a tissue salt that helps oxygenation and reduces inflammation.

Not long after taking the product, the patient called Dr. Maltais and expressed shock at its effectiveness in treating her breathing condition. He said it reduced inflammation in her lungs, thus improving her breathing.

Some of his other patients have complained of long COVID symptoms such as brain fog, fatigue, reduction or loss of smell or taste, ringing in the ears, joint pains, and heart, liver, and gall bladder issues. He plans to share his insights from treating such patients’ symptoms with his peers through his ICNM presentation.

“I’m kind of both nervous and excited about it,” he said. While he has experience in public speaking, he hasn’t presented at an international conference.

He’ll practice by delivering a similar talk at Port Dover and Simcoe’s libraries in June. The public presentations will be based on the talk he submitted to the ICNM last year and the talk he’s preparing for July’s conference.

But practice isn’t his only goal. He hopes to help local people by sharing what he’s learned in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It’s going to be a talk about how people can deal with health problems that have been popping up over the last few years,” he summarized.

Dr. Maltais thinks locals concerned with preventing illness or treating lingering long COVID conditions may be interested. He said his presentations in Norfolk will be accessible and not overly academic.

“I’m looking forward to helping people to be healthy so they don’t keep getting sick—I’m looking forward to helping people who need help,” he said. He enjoys helping others and teaching them what they need to know to help themselves.

“As naturopathic doctors, we’re supposed to teach preventative health,” he said. “I like to help people and teach—it’s fun.”

To learn more about Dr. Maltais and his services, visit dovernaturopath.com/. For additional information about the ICNM event, check out icnmnaturopathy.eu/en/.


Originally published June 5, 2024

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